chiller noise enclosure
chiller noise enclosure floorplan


The Miami International Airport is upgrading its decades old HVAC systems and O’Neill Engineered Systems (OES) was contacted to review the plans and provide acoustical projections for the noise impact of two new chiller units.

Noise Control Challenge

Based on our analysis of the York Water Cooled Chillers, we determined that noise enclosures would be required to keep the noise levels in the mechanical space at or below 80 dB-A. The noise enclosures measure approximately 20’ x 30’ x 14’ high and include 12’ wide x 12’ high roll up doors on each end to allow for major maintenance events in the future.

Noise Control Solution

OES designed, furnished and installed the enclosures with the modular acoustic panel system manufactured by IAC-Acoustics based in North Aurora, IL. The sound enclosures have piping and ductwork penetrating the enclosure along with a silenced ventilation system. Man doors and windows in the side walls allow the operators easy access to any information or checks on the system as needed.

Upon completion of the noise enclosures the sound levels were measured with both chiller units running and the sound levels came in well below the 80 dB-A requirement.

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