Schools & Places of Worship

Noise Control Solutions to Enhance the Acoustic Environment in Schools and Worship Spaces

Studies have shown that excessive noise can negatively affect student concentration and performance. For this reason, schools and other educational facilities take school acoustics very seriously. Whether the problem is excessive reverberation within a room, too much noise escaping the room, or too much noise leaking in, we’ll design and install the necessary noise control solution for practically every educational facility application, including classrooms, auditoriums, music rooms, theaters, and gymnasiums. Additionally, we also focus on church soundproofing and additional places of worship.

Classrooms & Band Rooms

Classroom noise control is one of the most important design aspects of any educational facility. We help music rooms and classrooms achieve optimal reverberation times and acoustics.

Private Music Practice Rooms

Sound isolation booths are essential for schools, universities, and orchestra halls where multiple musicians need to practice simultaneously & uninhibited. Modular practice rooms come in customizable configurations.

Gymnasiums & Multi-Purpose Rooms

Multi-purpose rooms & gymnasiums typically feature large spaces and hard, reflective building materials, which dramatically increase reverberation time & cause a tremendous echo effect and build-up of noise.

Theaters & Auditoriums

Design and installation of quality acoustic materials provide optimal sound absorption, reverberation time & clarity in theaters and auditoriums. Acoustical treatments vary depending on the use for which a space is designed.

Places of Worship

Sanctuary space acoustic solutions clarify intended sounds & mitigate unintended sounds for a clear & enjoyable listening experience for everyone. Acoustic treatment varies based on the intended use of a space.