Theater & Auditorium Acoustic Solutions

Auditorium Sound Absorbing Wall Panels

Acoustic Materials for Optimal Sound Absorption, Diffusion, and Reverberation Times

Achieving optimal acoustic performance for auditoriums, theaters, and performance halls can be tricky. Generally speaking, the larger a space becomes, the more complicated the acoustics. What’s more, acoustical treatments can vary depending on the use for which a space is designed (musical vs. oratory, for example), which makes designing solutions for a space that hosts multiple types of uses even more difficult. Fortunately, OES Engineers are skilled in providing solutions in theater soundproofing, auditorium acoustics and more.

The O’Neill Difference

We have experience designing and installing the noise control solutions that can effectively achieve optimal theater and auditorium acoustic performance.

Where O’Neill differs is we’ve developed a tried-and-true on-site assessment, from which we emerge with a more intimate understanding of your project than other so-called noise control companies. Many customers have even reached out to us to improve upon under performing solutions other companies designed and installed. In short, we’ll get it done right the first time.

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Ideal Theater & Auditorium Reverberation Times

Reverberation time is defined as the length of time required for sound to decay 60 decibels from its initial level. Basically, the longer the reverberation time, the more echo, and poorer sound quality—especially in theaters and auditoriums. As explained above, depending on the room, it’s size, and its purpose, ideal reverberation times vary. That being said, here are good rules-of-thumb:

  • Ideal auditorium reverberation time (medium size) — up to 1.3 seconds
  • Ideal theater reverberation time — 1.0 to 1.3 seconds

We’ll help you achieve these optimal reverberation times and, consequently, acoustic performance using the following noise control products:

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